Saturday, April 23, 2011

What to expect for the future?

Seeing all of the catastrophic events happening these days, we ask often to ourselves when this will come to an end, and what to expect of the future? We know it was prophesied, but do we have any biblical clue about the intensity of these events? What did our Savior said about them?

Lately, my wife and I bought a book titled rightly "What To Expect... when you are expecting" (Simon & Schuster Ed.). Not only is it interesting for a future mom, but even for a man a lot of informations are shared which are of real value. However, it's when I arrived to the place speaking about "Labour and Delivery" (p.378-396) that my brain made a U turn back to a specific Bible verse. It suddenly happen to me that I had there a glimpse of what is ahead in term of intensity for the catastrophic events in front of us before Yahshua's Return.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Current weather...North Carolina badly hit! Other to be!

The wind system of this planet is going bad day after day, no doubt about it.

For instance, The Christian Science Monitor underline the fact that North Carolina is far from Tornado Alley, and that the average tornadoes in one year is 19 for this state. Yet, more than three times that number hit that state in one week-end only.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Seismos - another facet of a biblical Greek word

In 2005, I had the opportunity to write a paper about the subject titled above. Little did I know how reality would underline what you will read here under. This small study was published(1) four days only before Hurricane Katrina hit New-Orleans, just showing how serious the prophecies and the words of our Master and Savior Yahshua are. Since then, a great number of storms and hurricanes did struck the world in different places. Two of the biggest which happened lately were Pepeng (Parma) and Ondoy (Ketsana) the same year, 2009, and following each other at about 3 days interval. As I write this intro, I’m thinking of the 8,9 Richter Scale earthquake which hit Japan (the biggest known in Japanese history) few days ago. This last event coupled with some thinking about the Olivet Prophecy decided me to re-edit this study about « seismos ». Surely, the word you will read below are still in full effects, and as Yahweh have made clear, things will get worse before Yahshua’s Return, so take heed of the message !    -   J. M. Peeters