Monday, April 18, 2011

Current weather...North Carolina badly hit! Other to be!

The wind system of this planet is going bad day after day, no doubt about it.

For instance, The Christian Science Monitor underline the fact that North Carolina is far from Tornado Alley, and that the average tornadoes in one year is 19 for this state. Yet, more than three times that number hit that state in one week-end only.

World News Australia indicate that the tornadoes season is at least one month early than usual, and that the number of twisters has already exceed the average for the entire season.

The Associated Press indicate on their papers that the Tornadoes Season happening is the deadliest since 2008.
It's something to think about while we still are far from the end of the season which last until July.

On another note, Radio Australia, speaking about China's weather say this concerning the current condition there :
State media reports say around 22 million people have been affected by the bad weather in some way.

Do you think it is something which will go away, and this is exceptional?
Think twice. This weather will go worse and worse...

Wherever it is global warming or not, man made or not, it stick to Yahshua's Olivet Prophecy... the study you will read on this blog (Seismos - another facet of a biblical Greek word) underline that part of the prophecy which is not well known. Read it, and after that read again the recent newspapers about the tornadoes in North Carolina, an elsewhere.

Anyway, don't believe me or what I say, study, analyse what is said in the study according to the Bible, and only according to the Bible.

Have an excellent day, Yahweh bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Good article! Each day the day is closer and closer to the end of the age! also the magnetic poles are shifting making the earth have whirlpools out in the middle of the sea. This is just the begining of sorrows.
